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April 19, 2018


The whole family went to Switzerland...about a million years ago. Now the kids are grown, and have kids of their own. The memory has grown dimmer, over the years, but yet there's still that ancient picture in the photo frame in the family room. Dyes change over time, colors fade, UV light bleaches out the tones and makes them almost unrecognizable, kind of like the memory:
We're here to help. We can't restore the memory, but we can work miracles with the photograph. We'll transform it thusly:
It's a combination of high science and artistic expertise, and we've been doing it for...almost as long as we can remember! Who knows, that newly restored image might just jog your memory, so you remember some of the details of that precious, long ago event. After all, it's why we say "Together we make (and re-make) memories!"

Let's get started on your project ASAP!
By Pat Kofahl November 9, 2021
Waiting for Fall to Fall
ANGELIC RELIEF - Together, We Make Memories!
May 24, 2019
When you think of custom framing, most people think of oils, watercolors, prints and the like. True enough, but at Esprit Decor Gallery, we are often asked to frame dimensional objects: rugs, sports jerseys, military medals, pistols, swords, tickets, and other decorative memorabilia. Here's a case in point. A client brought in an alabaster angel musician that had languished outdoors for a number of years, and upon consideration, she decided to bring it indoors, spruce it up a bit and hang it in a place of honor. In consultation with Robert, our Gallery Director, she chose a lovely heliotrope ribbed fabric for the angel to float on, complemented by a tasteful and understated dark burgundy oval frame. Dare I say that it turned out heavenly? You be the judge:
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