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Esprit Decor Gallery & Framing Blog

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January 30, 2019


If you've dropped by the gallery, you probaly know that we carry the work of some amazing local artists. Yes, it's true! You probably also know that we've been doing awesome custom framing for our clients for over thirty years. Also true! if you've stopped by you know that we have one of the most comprehensive selections of frames, sourced locally and from around the globe. True as well. But, what you may not know that we are a full-fledged publishing company and have worked with many artists and clients as well as publishing our own artwork for over twenty years. We also do custom Photoshop and Lightroom work for clients, travel photograhy on assignment world-wide, in addition to architectural, real estate, drone photography, and corporate headshots. Formal corporate portraiture tends to be rather formal, but we favor a slightly lighter tone. Here's a sample of our work:
Robert Hilton, Gallery Director, Esprit Decor Gallery, and Rosie, Rescue Pocket Heeler extrordinaire.
By Pat Kofahl November 9, 2021
Waiting for Fall to Fall
ANGELIC RELIEF - Together, We Make Memories!
May 24, 2019
When you think of custom framing, most people think of oils, watercolors, prints and the like. True enough, but at Esprit Decor Gallery, we are often asked to frame dimensional objects: rugs, sports jerseys, military medals, pistols, swords, tickets, and other decorative memorabilia. Here's a case in point. A client brought in an alabaster angel musician that had languished outdoors for a number of years, and upon consideration, she decided to bring it indoors, spruce it up a bit and hang it in a place of honor. In consultation with Robert, our Gallery Director, she chose a lovely heliotrope ribbed fabric for the angel to float on, complemented by a tasteful and understated dark burgundy oval frame. Dare I say that it turned out heavenly? You be the judge:
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