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January 9, 2019


Technology, as we all know and have experieced, never sleeps. Siri, Alexa, Google, self driving cars, Instagram, Whatsap, Twitter, Facebook all seem to be extending and deepening the digital divide. On the one side are the techies, the hipsters, the early adopters, and on the other side are the ludites, AOL'ers, dialup users, etc. To the younger generation, each new advance is eagerly awaited and welcomed with open arms, to the rest of us, well, as they say, "not so much."

In photography, the distinction is quite clean cut: film or digital? Film cameras have almost becoma a curiosity; most of the manufacturers have switched over to digital cameras, and billions of pictures are taken each year with phones. Digital camera manufacturers are now transitioning to mirrorless cameras, which make them lighter and more compact, and with fewer moving parts. All this new technology allows us to record images that might have seemed impossible just a few years ago. Sometimes the new technology is pretty harmless, and at other times it can be the subject of great controversy.

Take drones for example. On the one hand, they allow photographers and cinematographers to take images and footage the previously would have required hundreds of thousands, if not millions of dollars of equiment. On the other hand are the issues of privacy rights, and the impact on general aviation, as well as potential hazards to the public.

As a photographer, I'm always looking for a new angle, a new point of view. The truth is, drones allow me to tell stories visually in a way that was previously impossible. Here is a sample, which I hope you will like:
Phoenix at Sunset from Granada Park
By Pat Kofahl November 9, 2021
Waiting for Fall to Fall
ANGELIC RELIEF - Together, We Make Memories!
May 24, 2019
When you think of custom framing, most people think of oils, watercolors, prints and the like. True enough, but at Esprit Decor Gallery, we are often asked to frame dimensional objects: rugs, sports jerseys, military medals, pistols, swords, tickets, and other decorative memorabilia. Here's a case in point. A client brought in an alabaster angel musician that had languished outdoors for a number of years, and upon consideration, she decided to bring it indoors, spruce it up a bit and hang it in a place of honor. In consultation with Robert, our Gallery Director, she chose a lovely heliotrope ribbed fabric for the angel to float on, complemented by a tasteful and understated dark burgundy oval frame. Dare I say that it turned out heavenly? You be the judge:
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